Sustainable Development Goals: Russia
Photo by Katherine Gu on Unsplash
The United Nations have set ideal expectations of where these countries should be, however, it seems the sustainable development goals will not be met as desired. Unforeseen circumstances, such as the current pandemic, have the possibility of causing any current progress to come to a complete stop. Russia is one of the many countries who have joined forces in hopes of meeting these goals and is on track. One of their major disadvantages, however, is their extreme conditions of poverty. This extreme poverty will only make it more difficult to accomplish SDG 2, and end hunger. According to The United Nations , "Since 2001 there has been a steady downward trend in the share of poor people, specifically due to the effects of economic development" (2018). Another factor affecting the progress of Russia is climate change. As recorded by The United Nations, "The population and territory of the country with numerous infrastructure facilities are exposed to negative impacts from hazardous natural and man-made processes (overall, there are more than 50 natural hazards, including about 30 (thirty) of them in Russia)" (United Nations, 2018). An advantage, however, is that Russia made a system in response to this, specifically a "single national system of prevention and liquidation of emergency situations" (United Nations, 2018). Meeting the expectations of these goals is a priority for Russia as is, "Assisting governments in identifying local, national, and regional sustainable development challenges and in devising long-term strategies" (SDSN, 2019). In order to monitor, "metrics are used to measure distance to targets for each of the SDGs to identify priorities for action, understand key implementation challenges, track progress, ensure accountability, and identify gaps" (SDSN, 2019). Each local government is responsible for implementing the sustainable development goals. In regards to cost, "total investment cost of achieving the SDGs by 2030 ranges between USD 5 and USD 7 trillion per year at the global level and between a total of USD 3.3 and USD 4.5 trillion per year in developing countries" (ASEF, 2019). If Russia continues to be committed and loyal to their residents, they can accomplish meeting the expectations and goals they have promised.
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